Calls for Proposals/Papers
A couple of additional links to expand:
* Since computer vision shares quite some borders with computer audition:
* MTG @ UPF has a pretty up-to-date calendar too.
Conferences: ,
and Journals:
My list, ordered on submission deadline date:
1. CFPs that have passed already
* SMC 2010: 22-24 july 2010, Barcelona, Spain
* ISMIR 2010: 9-13 august 2010, Utrecht, Netherlands
(summerschool 2-7 august)
* workshop AMR 2010: 17-18 august, Linz, Austria
* DAFX 2010: 6-10 sept 2010, Graz, Austria,
* EAA Euroregio: 15-18 sept 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia ,
(summerschool 13-15 sept, free)
* Interspeech: 26-30 september 2010, Makuhari, Japan
* ACM MultiMedia: 25-29 oktober, Firenze, Italy.
2. CFPs ongoing
* WOMRAD (workshop) with ACM Recommender Systems
Barcelona, 26 september 2010
paper submission: 28 june
* IEEE ICMLA, session on machine learning with multimedia data
Washington DC, 12-14 december 2010,
Paper submission: 15 july
* Eurasip Journal of Advances in Signal Processing
issue: Musical Applications of real-time signal processing
submission due: 15 september 2010
eds. J. Pakarinen, J. Abel, V. Valimaki, F. Fontana, ...
* IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing
issue: Music Signal Processing
submission due: 20 september 2010
Eds. M. Mueller, S. Sagayama, A. Klapuri, D. Ellis, ...
(focus on processing waveform-based music recordings)
* Journal of New Music Research
issue: Music and Machine Learning
submission due: 1 oktober 2010
eds. R. Ramirez and D. Conklin
* AES Audio For Games:
London, 9-11 february 2011
no CFP yet
Prague, 22-27 mei 2011
camera ready (!) paper submission: 20 oktober 2010
* ACM ICMR 2011 (previously ACM MIR)
Trento, Italy, 17-20 april 2011
Paper submission: 3 december 2010
* AES Semantic Audio:
Ilmenau, Germany, 22-24 july 2011
Paper submission: around february 2011
* ICMC 2011:
Huddersfield, UK
no CFP yet